Berger - 2cl | (3.80 €) (3.23 £) |
Ricard - 2cl | (3.80 €) (3.23 £) |
Moorish, parrot, tomato - 3cl | (3.90 €) (3.32 £) |
Kir Breton (seuladair amh, crème de cassis) - 14cl | (4.90 €) (4.17 £) |
Kir Maison le uachdar measan de do roghainn - 14cl | (4.90 €) (4.17 £) |
Kir Royal (dòigh Champenoise, uachdar measan de do roghainn) - 12 cl | (5.90 €) (5.02 £) |
Modh Champenoise le gearradh - 12 cl | (5.90 €) (5.02 £) |
Pineau Charentais dearg no geal - 4cl | (4.90 €) (4.17 £) |
Martini dearg no geal - 4cl | (5.90 €) (5.02 £) |
Suze, Porto - 4cl | (5.90 €) (5.02 £) |
Suze le uachdar dubh-dubh - 5cl | (5.90 €) (5.02 £) |
Coca no uisge-beatha orains - 16cl | (6.90 €) (5.87 £) |
Gin Tonic - 19cl | (7.90 €) (6.72 £) |
Spritz (Aperol, Perrier, Sparkling Rosé, Orange) - 10cl | (6.90 €) (5.87 £) |
Cocktail Charentais (Cognac, Pineau agus Fruit Juice) - 20cl | (6.90 €) (5.87 £) |
Cocktail Innseanach an Iar (Rùm Geal, ruma dorcha agus sùgh mheasan) - 20cl | (6.90 €) (5.87 £) |
Leanabh - 2cl | (3.90 €) (3.32 £) |
Uisge-beatha 5 bliadhna - 4cl | (5.90 €) (5.02 £) |
Uisge-beatha 10 bliadhna braiche fìor no Paddy (Èirinn) - 4cl | (6.90 €) (5.87 £) |
Glenlivet 12 bliadhna a dh'aois braiche fìor - 4cl | (6.90 €) (5.87 £) |
Jack Daniel's - 4cl |
Demi -Gothic- 5% vol - 25cl | (3.80 €) (3.23 £) |
Galopin -Gothic- 5% vol - 12.5cl | (2.00 €) (1.7 £) |
Pint -Gothic- 5% vol - 50cl | (7.50 €) (6.38 £) |
33 -Gothic- 5% vol - 33cl | (5.00 €) (4.25 £) |
Demi -Fort Boyard (Oléron) - 5% vol - 25cl | (5.00 €) (4.25 £) |
Galopin -Fort Boyard (Oléron) - 5% vol - 12.5cl | (2.50 €) (2.13 £) |
Pint -Fort Boyard (Oléron) - 5% vol - 50cl | (9.90 €) (8.42 £) |
33 -Fort Boyard (Oléron) - 5% vol - 33cl | (6.90 €) (5.87 £) |
Bière des Naufrageurs (Oléron) Blonde 5% vol - 33cl | (5.90 €) (5.02 £) |
Beer of the Wreckers (Oléron) Amber 6% vol - 33cl | (5.90 €) (5.02 £) |
Beer of the Shipwreckers (Oléron) Brown 6% vol - 33cl | (5.90 €) (5.02 £) |
Bière des Naufrageurs (Oléron) Geal 5% vol - 33cl | (5.90 €) (5.02 £) |
Glainne 4% vol - 20cl | (3.50 €) (2.98 £) |
Pitcher 4% vol - 50cl | (7.50 €) (6.38 £) |
Botal 4% vol - 75cl | (9.50 €) (8.07 £) |
uisge mèinnearach - 150cl | (5.90 €) (5.02 £) |
Uisge snasalach - 100cl | (5.90 €) (5.02 £) |
Uisge an earraich 50 cl | (3.00 €) (2.55 £) |
Perrier - 33 cl | (3.00 €) (2.55 £) |
Perrier - 50cl | (4.50 €) (3.83 £) |
Lemonade - 25 cl | (2.80 €) (2.38 £) |
Siorup uisge - 25 cl | (2.00 €) (1.7 £) |
Coca Cola, Orangina, Iced Tea (air a frithealadh leis a 'ghlainne) - 20cl | (3.00 €) (2.55 £) |
Diabolo - 25 cl | (3.00 €) (2.55 £) |
Citwe Schweppes no Schweppes - 33 cl | (3.00 €) (2.55 £) |
Cocalac - 20 cl | (3.00 €) (2.55 £) |
Gini - 33cl | (3.00 €) (2.55 £) |
Bainne fuar - 25cl | (2.80 €) (2.38 £) |
Supplement: syrup no slice de lemon | (0.30 €) (0.26 £) |
Cofaidh Espresso | (1.60 €) (1.36 £) |
Decaffeinated | (1.80 €) (1.53 £) |
Callainn | (1.70 €) (1.44 £) |
Cofaidh sgoinneil, cofaidh mòr gun chaffein | (3.00 €) (2.55 £) |
Uachtar cofaidh, uachdar decaffeinated | (3.00 €) (2.55 £) |
Cappuccino sgoinneil, uachdar mòr gun chaffein | (3.80 €) (3.23 £) |
Chocolate beag dachaigh | (3.50 €) (2.98 £) |
seoclaid mòr dachaigh | (4.50 €) (3.83 £) |
Bainne teth | (3.50 €) (2.98 £) |
Capuccino (le uachdar brùite), seoclaid Viennese | (4.50 €) (3.83 £) |
Tì de Roghainn (Plain, Darjeeling, uaine, vanilla, spìosraidh, jasmine, lemon, bainne, bergamot) | (3.50 €) (2.98 £) |
In-fhilleadh | (3.50 €) (2.98 £) |
Pancake le siùcar | (3.60 €) (3.06 £) |
Im Siùcair | (3.80 €) (3.23 £) |
Siùcar Lemon ìm | (4.60 €) (3.91 £) |
Seoclaid dachaigh no ìm saillte | (4.80 €) (4.08 £) |
Banana Seoclaid Seoclaid no Coconut no Almonds Grilled Seoclaid no Praline Chocolate | (5.80 €) (4.93 £) |
Chantilly Seoclaid NO Caramel ìm saillte Chantilly | (6.20 €) (5.27 £) |
Sabhs seoclaid NO caramel ìm saillte + 1 scoop de reòiteag de do roghainn | (6.20 €) (5.27 £) |
Siùcair + 1 scoop de reòiteag anns an roghainn | (5.00 €) (4.25 £) |
Uachtar donn no mil | (4.80 €) (4.08 £) |
Jam de do roghainn (Apricot, Strawberry, Raspberry no Cherry) | (4.80 €) (4.08 £) |
+ Banana Flambé anns an roghainn | (6.20 €) (5.27 £) |
Sheinn Crepe anns an taghadh | (5.60 €) (4.76 £) |
Praline seoclaid banana no praline caramel banana | (5.20 €) (4.42 £) |
Seoclaid + 1 scoop de reòiteag de do roghainn no Caramel + 1 scoop de reòiteag de do roghainn | (6.20 €) (5.27 £) |
Chantilly Chocolate no Chantilly Caramel | (6.20 €) (5.27 £) |
Eilean air bhog (Sneachda Geal, Custard, Caramel, Almonan Tòsta) | (3.90 €) (3.32 £) |
Tiramisu dachaigh (Amaretto, cofaidh, briosgaid, uachdar) | (4.90 €) (4.17 £) |
Cèic Chocolate, Custard, almonds grilled | (3.60 €) (3.06 £) |
Tartlet | (3.80 €) (3.23 £) |
Clàr càise (Tomme Grise, Naomh Nectaire, Gorm, ìm) | (5.90 €) (5.02 £) |
Clàr de 12 Whelks Mayonnaise | (9.90 €) (8.42 £) |
Clàr de 12 shrimp mayonnaise | (9.90 €) (8.42 £) |
Clàr de 10 Langoustines le Mayonnaise | (12.90 €) (10.97 £) |
Clàr 6 Oysters Fine de Claire n ° 3 | (12.90 €) (10.97 £) |
Clàr biadh mara (3 eisirean, 3 Langoustines, 5 carran-creige, 5 mucan-mara) | (12.90 €) (10.97 £) |
Cassolette Creachainn (4 argopecten, cnuimhean, garlic, uachdar, flùr, fìon geal) | (9.90 €) (8.42 £) |
Steak bradan air a smocadh aig an taigh (Salad, tomato, Vinaigrette, Crème Fraîche, Lemon) | (8.90 €) (7.57 £) |
Tartare bradan (garlic, peirsil, shallot, ola ollaidh, cognac) agus avocado | (10.90 €) (9.27 £) |
Salad Baltic (Salad, bradan air a smocadh, crème fraîche, tomato, Vinaigrette, Croutons) | (12.90 €) (10.97 £) |
Fillet de bran mara rìoghail, sabhs Hollandaise agus capers, buntàta friochte | (13.90 €) (11.82 £) |
John Dory Fillet, Pineau Blanc Sauce, Buntàta Fried | (13.90 €) (11.82 £) |
Trosg air ais, Sabhs Garlic agus Peirsil, Buntàta Fried | (13.90 €) (11.82 £) |
Masg geal stewed, uachdar, uinneanan, garlic | (13.90 €) (11.82 £) |
Feusgain agus Frites | (12.90 €) (10.97 £) |
Feusgain ann an Sauce Cream agus Roquefort - Fries | (13.90 €) (11.82 £) |
Feusgain le sabhs creamh garlic is peirsil - Fries | (13.90 €) (11.82 £) |
Feusgain ann an sabhs creamh agus pineau - Fries | (13.90 €) (11.82 £) |
Feusgain le salann Hollandaise agus Capers - Fries | (13.90 €) (11.82 £) |
Crìochnaichte (Ham, ugh, càise) | (11.90 €) (10.12 £) |
Port-Louis (bradan dachaigh air a smocadh, ugh air a sgrìobadh, buntàta, crème fraîche) | (13.90 €) (11.82 £) |
4 càise (Gorm, Saint-Nectaire, Tomme, Emmental, Salad, Tomato, Vinaigrette) | (13.90 €) (11.82 £) |
Compostela (creachain Argopecten, Emmental, Buntàta) | (13.90 €) (11.82 £) |
Caline (Emmental, Bacon, Buntàta, Crème Fraîche, Salad, Vinaigrette) | (13.90 €) (11.82 £) |
4 mucan-mara, 4 carran-creige, 4 langoustines, mayonnaise |
6 Oisirean n ° 3, Lemon, ìm, fìon-geur Shalot |
Tartare bradan, shallot, peirsil, sabhs soith, ola, avocado |
Cassolop creachainn: uachdar, cnuimhean, garlic, fìon geal |
Salad steak bradan air a smocadh, tomato, lemon, uachdar ùr |
Iasg de do roghainn le buntàta domhainn agus sabhs: |
Feusgain agus friogais leis an t-sauce a thagh thu: Roquefort / Cream no Garlic-Parsley / Cream no Pineau / Cream no Hollandaise / Capers / Cream |
iasg gearraidh stewed, uachdar, uinneanan, peirsil, sabhs soith, fìon geal |
Salad càise Galette Buckwheat 4 càise (Tomme, St-Nectaire, Bleu, Emmental) |
Cnapan cearc EU, Fries, Mayonnaise |
Reòiteag 2 scoops (Vanilla, Seoclaid, Cofaidh, Strawberry, Pistachio, Rum-Raisin, Caramel, Coconut, msaa.) |
Crèpe: ìm, siùcar, sùgh lemonan no sabhs seoclaid |
Eilean air bhog (Sneachda Geal, Custard, Almonds, Caramel) |
Cèic Chocolate, custard agus almoin |
Tiramisu dachaigh (Amaretto, cofaidh) |
Tartlet Lime Coconut Banana |
Glainne de do roghainn: sùgh mheasan (Pineapple, Orange or Apple) |
No Soda de do roghainn: Coca Cola, Orangina, Ice Tea, Schweppes Citrus, Gini, Oasis, Diabolo |
No Glass of Water Syrup de do roghainn: Grenadine, Strawberry, Lemon, Mint, Peach, Violet, Blackcurrant, Orgeat |
Moules Frites |
Steak VBF 100g agus Fries |
Complete Galette: Ugh, Ham, Emmental |
EU Chicken Nuggets and Fries |
Cocktail an latha Pineau Cognac no Rùm |
Coupe de Sparkling Brut Rosé no Kir Royal (Blackberry, Blueberry, Wild Strawberry, msaa.) |
Uisge-beatha 4cl no Ricard 2cl no Pineau Blanc 5cl no Pineau Rouge 5cl |
4 mucan-mara, 4 carran-creige, 4 langoustines, mayonnaise |
6 Oisirean n ° 3, Lemon, ìm, fìon-geur Shalot |
Tartare bradan, shallot, peirsil, sabhs soith, ola, avocado |
Cassolet creachainn, uachdar, cnuimhean, garlic, fìon geal |
Steak bradan air a smocadh, salad, tomato, lemon, uachdar ùr |
Steak lean le sauce Pineau Blanc, friogais Frangach, salad, tomato, vinaigrette |
Fillet bran mara le sauce caper Hollandaise, friogais Frangach, salad, tomato, Vinaigrette |
Fillet trosg le sabhs garl agus peirsil, friogais Frangach, salad, tomato, Vinaigrette |
iasg gearraidh stewed, uachdar, uinneanan, peirsil, sabhs soith, fìon geal |
Feusgain agus Fries le sauce uachdar: Roquefort no Pineau Blanc no Garlic / Peirsil |
2 spàin-tì reòiteag |
Crepe caramel ìm saillte |
Cafaidh Tiramisu Amaretto |
Seoclaid Moelleux, custard, almoin |
Tartlet |
Tighearna nan Gaoithe - 75cl - 12% vol | (15.90 €) (13.52 £) |
Carafe of Rosé Wine - L’Oléronais IGP Uaimhean de Bonnemie Saint-Pierre d’Oléron – Fìon na Frainge 12% vol |
Glainne de Wine Rosé - 12cl | (3.00 €) (2.55 £) |
Rosé air a bhuain gu nàdarra - Vin de Pays Charentais IGP Les Vignerons d’Oléron BIO 12% vol |
neamhnaidean glasa Oléron Récoltant - Vin de Pays Charentais IGP Les Vignerons d'Oléron 12.5% vol |
Les Seigneurs des Vents Merlot Cabernet Récoltant - fìon Charentais IGP Les Vignerons d’Oléron 12.5% vol - 75cl | (16.90 €) (14.36 £) |
Carafe fìon geal - 25cl | (5.90 €) (5.02 £) |
Carafe fìon geal - 37.5cl | (8.90 €) (7.57 £) |
Carafe fìon geal - 50cl | (11.90 €) (10.12 £) |
Caraf fìon geal - 75cl | (15.90 €) (13.52 £) |
Glainne de fhìon geal - 12cl | (3.00 €) (2.55 £) |
Maison Coulon - Récoltant - Vin de Pays Charentais 13% vol |
Buain geal gu nàdarra - Vin de Pays Charentais IGP Les Vignerons d'Oléron BIO 12% vol - 75cl | (18.90 €) (16.06 £) |
Pearls geala de Oléron Récoltant - Vin de Pays Charentais IGP Les Vignerons d'Oléron 12% vol - 75cl | (17.90 €) (15.21 £) |
Lords of the Seas Sauvignon Récoltant - Vin de Pays Charentais IGP Les Vignerons d'Oléron 12% vol - 75cl | (16.90 €) (14.36 £) |
Misneachd Chenin 2015 Touraine Appellation Touraine Controlée 12%vol - 75cl | (15.90 €) (13.52 £) |
Carafe Fìon Dearg - Uaimhean L’Oléronais IGP de Bonnemie Saint-Pierre d’Oléron – Fìon na Frainge 13% vol |
Glainne de Fhìon Dearg - 12cl | (3.00 €) (2.55 £) |
Buain Merlot gu nàdarrach Dearg - Vin de Pays Charentais IGP Les Vignerons d’Oléron BIO 14% vol |
neamhnaidean dubha Oléron - Merlot - Cabrenet Sauvignon - Cabernet Franc Récoltant - Vin de Pays Charentais IGP Les Vignerons d'Oléron 14% vol |
Seigneurs de l’Ile Merlot Cabernet Récoltant – Vin de Pays Charentais IGP Les Vignerons d’Oléron 13.5% vol - 75cl | (16.90 €) (14.36 £) |
Château Puy Jeannie Castillon Cotes de Bordeaux Grand Vin de Bordeaux 13.5% vol - 75cl | (15.90 €) (13.52 £) |